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Iris Mizrahi

Operation & Development Director at EFRAT USA

Iris Mizrahi, born and raised in Jerusalem, immigrated to Miami in 1990 asa teenager along with her family. A graduate of FIU where she earneda Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Social Work,Iris has made championing the South Florida Jewish community hermission as well as her career.

She began working at the Miami Beach JCC with children and teens, then worked as a liaison for university students, promoting Israel throughout the southern United States onbehalf of the World Zionist Organization. Iris went on to proveherself a trailblazer of innovative services for more than ten yearsat Michael-Ann Russell JCC, spearheading programming, both event andrecreational, for member families and the community at large. She executed and applied for grants for special needs children and theolder adult population, a sector for which she advocated, and succeeded in promoting stimulating, independent lifestyle resources.

She later became the Executive Director of Beth David Congregation for eight years, where she served as the primary administrator of policies, procedures, and decisions for the synagogue and school and over saw and supported a major capital campaign plan to rebuild its campus. It is this wealth of experience and initiative that Iris brings to EFRATas she continues her journey of commitment and spiritual fulfillment in the Jewish community.

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