’s story
I was 23 and had been dating my boyfriend for almost two years. When I first realized my period was late, I assumed it was because I’d been dieting and had lost 25 lbs. But time passed and it didn’t come. Sure enough, I was expecting.
My boyfriend was okay about it—until he told his parents. They began to pressure me, insisting I abort the baby, and he agreed. I felt so alone. How could he not want our baby? Our gift from G-d?
Days passed and my boyfriend only got more insistent. He and his family called me night and day, pressuring me to terminate the pregnancy. I was so confused. So upset. This was not how I’d envisioned my first pregnancy. Luckily, I had the support of my parents and siblings. I knew that, no matter what, I wanted to raise this baby. With the support of EFRAT and my family, I survived the next 8 difficult months.
Finally, my beautiful daughter was born. EFRAT came through with everything they’d promised. I received a brand new crib, stroller, baby bath, clothing, bottles, a blanket, and monthly packages of diapers and wipes.
My daughter will soon be one year old! After the birth, my boyfriend finally "got it" and understood what we had almost missed out on—such love! Four months after the baby was born, we got married. We are now a happy family, enjoying the treasure that we received.
I am so grateful to EFRAT, who stayed by my side and didn't let me down. In your merit, I’m a happy mother with a wonderful daughter!