
’s story

My financial situation was very bad. When I found out that I was pregnant, it was clear to me that I needed to have an abortion. So when my sister called EFRAT and had a volunteer speak with me, I was unwilling to listen. I told the volunteer not to call again and had the abortion.

Immediately after the abortion, I regretted it terribly. I became depressed, apathetic, and unhappy in my everyday life. I thought that having an abortion would save my financial situation from catastrophe—but now I could barely drag myself to work every day.

I worked as a receptionist at a major Jerusalem hospital. A few months after having the abortion, a woman came into my office. "I need to pay the abortion committee fee and was told to come to you," she said. The woman had reached me by mistake. Instead of explaining her error, I began talking to her and asked her why she wanted to abort. It turned out that her story was very similar to mine. She felt that she had to abort because her financial situation was terrible. I began to cry. When she asked me what was going on, I told her my feelings about the abortion that I had. 

I gave the woman money to take a taxi to the EFRAT office. "This is no coincidence," I told her. "I made a terrible mistake in having the abortion—you really shouldn't do the same." I called the EFRAT office and made sure that someone would be waiting for her when she arrived. When the woman heard the assistance that she would be receiving, her fearful tears turned into smiles of optimism!

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